Can you hep with this makeover?Are you aged between 12-25 years? Mansfield Shire needs your local creative talent to design new artwork for the Howqua & Macs Cove...
Arty Awards project set to shine!Arts Mansfield is so grateful that one of our programs - The ARTY Awards - was selected to receive funding through Bendigo Bank’s...
Empowering Creative Mansfield YouthMansfield Shire Youth is looking for all young people who have interests in music, art, culture and recreation to form a youth group....
Three Faces Winners Unveiled!The 2024 Arts Mansfield Three Faces Portrait Prize of sitter Cathie Smith has been awarded to Kym Stubbs.
Three Faces Mystery Sitter revealed!Cathie Smith, Mansfield’s 2023 Citizen of the year, was revealed as this year’s sitter for Arts Mansfield’s Three Faces Portrait Prize
Karen Pirie celebrated on Australia DayIt was a 'complete surprise' to Karen Pirie to be recognised as the Mansfield Shire Senior Citizen of the Year at this year's Australia...
Social Enterprise launching at YoorallaThe amazing artists from the Yooralla Mansfield #CommunityHub would like to invite you to the launch of their #SocialEnterprise business,...