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Easter Art Show
Online Entry

2025 submission dates to be advised.

MACS Easter Art Show Mansfield. Image shows people viewing gallery works.

Complete Your Entry Form Online Below


  • The Easter Art Show is open to Mansfield Shire Residents ONLY.

  • Mediums accepted - Painting, Drawing, Mixed Media, Sculpture.

  • Maximum Entry Size - 1m X 1m (2D), 0.5m X 0.5m X 0.5m (3D).

  • Entries to be delivered to MACS Wed 20th March 2024 between 11am - 6pm.

  • Arts Mansfield collect 10% commission on all art sales of exhibition works.

  • Max 3 entries per artist.

Personal Details

Entry Images

Please provide 1 digital images of each work you are submitting.

Maximum 3 entries per person. 

Images may be used for promotional purposes.

Please note the following specifications:


  • Acceptable image file types are JPEG or PNG. 

  • File Name Convention - Your Surname_EA24_WORK TITLE.

  • Size - Minimum 1MB

Upload Image
Upload Image
Upload Image

Artists Statement

Provide a brief artist statement of maximum 60 words, describing the ideas and objectives behind each work entered, and the materials and techniques used.

Sale Price of Works

Provide the Sale Price per item if applicable.

Note: Arts Mansfield collect 10% commission on all art sales of exhibition works.

Display Instructions

Provide instructions on how works are to be displayed.

Entry Fees

You will be directed to Checkout below. Please select from the following options and enter your payment amount:


  • Arts Mansfield Members - Up to 2 Entries FREE ($0)

  • Non-Members - Up to 2 Entries - $20 total

  • Additional Entries (members and non-members) - Add $5


Complete Your Submission

Vase Painting
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